English Chapter 2 - Gentle Giants


There are many misconceptions about the nature and life style of
Gorillas. Gorillas are considered to be ferocious and and tenacious
creatures, they are, in fact, gentle and tender.
It was due to some images of them in which they looked beastly that
made people scared of them. An American explorer published a book
about hunting of gorillas in the African jungle. He produced a
photograph of an injured gorilla standing on the body of a hunter in a
very aggressive style. Hollywood made a film "King Kong" in 1930
making as a terror to people.
Gorillas are not hostile to man. They are vegetarians, they do not
attack on other animals. They look after their children with great
care and are loving creatures. They only show their anger and fierce
whey they are attacked or treated badly.
They also become hostile when they are kept separated in the cages
from their families; they even attacked their keeper. The zoological
gardens are now treating animals scientifically. They try to provide
them the natural environment. The tribute therefore, goes to the zoos,
which are taking cares of animals efficiently and affectionately. As a
result the animals are behaving themselves. They are inoffensive and
It is pity that the number gorillas is decreasing alarmingly due to
the activities of man. Man is cutting forests where they live. Their number is now limited to a few thousand. man exults in killing them.
The wilds life is on the verge of extinction as the natural abode of
the animals is disappearing from the globe of the World.
To sum up, gorillas, which and rightly called the "Gentle Giant", are
also endangered species like other wild life. We should do something
for protecting wild life.
Difficult Words
Images ------------------------- pictures, mental pictures
Offspring ---------------------- child, young
Rip ---------------------------- tear
Ramp --------------------------- to play about energetically
Charge ------------------------- attack
Clamber ------------------------ to climb with difficulty
Spoiling ----------------------- showing great affection for
Enclosure ---------------------- place surrounded by a wall
Inoffensive animals ------------ animals that are harmless
Dies hard ---------------------- It is difficult to forget
Adored grand-children ---------- grand-children that are greatly loved
