Quaid-e-Azam Essay


Quaid-e-Azam Essay

This is a medium length English essay on 'Quaid-e-Azam' His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He is the Founder of Pakistan. This essay is best for 10th class and 2nd year students. Quaid-e-Azam is my hero in history and my national hero.

Quaid-e-Azam Essay

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was a great leader of the Sub-continent. He was born in Karachi on 25th of December, 1876. His father Mr. Poonja Jinnah was a famous businessman. His mother was also an educated woman. He was the eldest son of his parents.

Poonja Jinnah gave his son a good education. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to England for studying law by his father. He proved himself over there an industrious and honest student. He studied law at Lincoln' Inn and did his Bar-at-Law from there. He returned to his homeland after four years and set up as a lawyer in Bombay. He soon became a successful lawyer. in 1900 he was appointed magistrate for Bombay Presidency.

Quaid-e-Azam had started taking interest in politics during his stay in London. So, he left his practice of law and joined the Indian National Congress. He wanted to unite the Hindus and the Muslims against the English. But he felt that the Hindus Leaders were trying to safeguard their own interests. He decided to join the All Indian Muslim League.

He worked for a separate homeland for the Muslims. He presented his demands of the Muslims of India in his fourteen points. These demands were rejected by the Congress. But he did not lose heart. He was a man of strong will. He had to face a large number of hardships but he remained firm to his stand. The Muslim League passed a resolution demanding a separate homeland for the Muslims. There were many difficulties in his way but he never considered them a hindrance in his way to progress. He was as firm as a rock and always showed strong will at all occasions.

Key Achievements of Quaid e Azam as Governor General

Some of Jinnah’s most important achievements as first Governor General of Pakistan include:

1- Founding of Pakistan in 1947

2- Establishing a secular government

3- Strengthening the economy

4- Creating jobs and opportunities for citizens

5- Securing Pakistan’s independence from British rule

Quaid-e-Azam was a very great orator. During his struggle for Pakistan, he had to make a lot of speeches. He delivered his speeches very effectively. He discussed all the important aspects of the subject in his speeches. When he spoke in the Constituent Assembly, he discussed its functions clearly. After a long struggle, his efforts were crowned with success. The dream of Pakistan became a reality on the 14th of August 1947. He became the 1st Governor -General of Pakistan. He worked very hard for the progress of the country.

Quaid-e-Azam was a thin and lean man but he had great qualities of head and heart. He was a great politician. He was courageous and fearless. He was a man of principle. He was a peace-loving person. He always wanted to see Pakistan prosperous and powerful. He gave us the message of unity, discipline, and faith. He worked day and night with determination. His health failed and he died on the 11th of September, 1948. But his services for the Muslims of subcontinent will keep him alive in our hearts. Now we are duty-bound to work hard, serve Pakistan and to thank God.
